Desserts and Drinks

Recipes for Desserts and Drinks

Take care of that sweet tooth with these
easy-to-follow recipes for smoothies,
cookies, pies, ice cream and more!

A lot of people assume that eating healthy means the end of desserts and drinks -- not true! Sure, it's healthier if you cut out sugar, fat, and alcohol altogether, but it's not very much fun! The secret to a happy life is to find that middle ground where common sense and fun can peacefully co-exist. The following recipes are delicious and although not to be considered "healthy" by any stretch of the imagination, they're a darn-sight better for you than the processed stuff they have in your store's cooler! Give these recipes a try - I think your family will thank you.

Dessert Recipes:

Drink Recipes:

Also...How To Make A Smoother Smoothie

Looking for something good to eat? Also see...

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