Roasted Strawberry Ice Cream (Vegan, No Oil)

Use the freshest, ripest berries you can find.
If you have been following my blog for awhile, you know that I am always on the lookout for recipes that make my vegan ice "cream" recipes...well... creamier. I love the flavor of soy ice cream, and it's simply wonderful fresh from the ice cream maker, but it often turns a bit icy the next day.

It's the fat, or rather, the lack of fat that determines the texture of your vegan ice cream. There are things you can do to your ice cream recipes that will make up for that lack of fat that dairy products contain, such as adding peanut butter - as we did in our Peanut Butter Fudge Ripple Ice Cream, but that's a bit limiting. Moreover, folks with allergies or those trying to cut the oil from their diets simply can't go that route.

When I tried my veganized version of Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream, it was a bit of an epiphany for me. Here was an ice cream with NO oil whatsoever that was as smooth and creamy as the one with 1/2 cup of peanut butter!? I decided to look into this...why did it work with pumpkin, but my earlier attempts at strawberry ice cream came out with little frozen strawberry chunks?

I found the answer on a blog by Zoe Francois. She had the same question - how do I keep my strawberries from becoming ice chunks in my homemade ice cream? Her answer: Roast 'em first! I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to cook the fruit. Unfortunately, Zoe's ice cream recipe is far from vegan, so it really wouldn't work for our purposes, but the fruit-roasting idea is sheer genius!! I can't wait to try this on other fruits.

Roasting strawberries with sugar and balsamic vinegar.
Shopping / Ingredient List:
1 Pint Fresh (not frozen!) Strawberries - the fresher and more ripe, the better.
Balsamic Vinegar
Agave Syrup
Soy Milk

Roasted Strawberry Ice Cream:

The Berries:
Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
On a non-stick pan, or baking pan sprayed with cooking spray, place whole strawberries. (be sure to use a pan with a lip, it gets pretty messy!)
Sprinkle 2 Tbsp Sugar
Sprinkle 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar (don't worry, it looks awful, but it tastes wonderful!)
Cook at 300 degrees for 45 minutes.

When the strawberries are done, scoop everything into a bowl and add 2 Tbsp Agave Nectar to the mix.
Mash with a potato masher, then set in the fridge to cool for an hour or more. (you don't want to add anything hot to your ice cream maker)

Sweet, creamy Strawberry Ice Cream
The Ice Cream:
In a medium mixing bowl,
Mix together, 3/4 cup of sugar and 3 Tbsp Cornstarch
Add 1 cup Soy Milk, blend for 2 minutes
Add 2 more cups Soy Milk, blend for another minute
Pour mix into Ice Cream Maker and process for 30 minutes.

Add berry mix and process for another 25-30 minutes.
Serve immediately for a soft-serve style, or chill for an hour in the freezer for a firmer texture.
