Accidentally Vegan Products?

Surprise! It's Vegan!!

I love that there are people out there who take it upon themselves to make lists that make my life easier! PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have taken it upon themselves to create and maintain a list of products you would normally find in your grocery store that are accidentally vegan--meaning that the manufacturer didn't start out to make the product vegan, it just sort-of happened. A happy accident for those who like the occasional bag of chips, etc. While they DO have the following disclaimer, this list should help you vegan snackers a great deal!

"While PETA supports a strict adherence to veganism, we put the task of vigorously reducing animal suffering ahead of personal purity. Boycotting products that are 99.9 percent vegan sends the message to manufacturers that there is no market for this food, which ends up hurting more animals."
