Not feeling well? Look no further than your plate.

Stick with your homemade Mexican food feast, it will
be so much better than any fast food restaurant!

Just How Much Sodium Can They Pack Into Fast Food?

The one (and ONLY) fast food that I indulge in on occasion is Subway. I love their veggie and veggie max menu options and I REALLY felt good about my choices. It was the one place I felt safe.

Well, after reading this line "Just one 6-inch Roasted Garlic loaf from Subway–just the bread, no meat, no cheeses, no nothing–has 1,260 mg sodium, about as much as 14 strips of bacon" in a article entitled Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Diseases, I knew my last bastion of fast food treats was now firmly on the "no-no" list - right next to the Colonel and Ronald.

I should have known better, there is no such thing as a "safe" processed food. The whole reason I maintain this blog is to offer people ways to serve up tasty, healthy, comfort food that doesn't kill you. You shouldn't be putting your life at risk by ordering a bean burrito (Taco Bell Bean Burrito = 960mg sodium), or a slice of veggie pizza (Papa Murphy's Veggie Pizza Slice = 965mg sodium)!

So, coming across this article was just a subtle reminder to stay strong, stay vegan, and stay the heck away from processed foods!!
