Super-soft Oatmeal Bread (Vegan, No Oil)

Common wisdom says that in order to have soft, slice-able, sandwich-style bread, you must have milk, butter and sometimes egg in the recipe. I say "not necessarily!" This oh-so-vegan oatmeal bread recipe proves that no animal fat is necessary to make a killer sandwich or light and fluffy toast.

For this recipe, I used one small and one large bread pan (because that's what I had in my cupboard), but you should easily get 3 small loaves or 2 large loaves as well.

Super-soft Oatmeal Bread

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, or your Bread Box if you plan to save some dough for later, mix:
3 cups Warm (not hot) Water
1/12 Tbsp Active Dry Yeast
1 Tbsp Coarse Sea Salt
1 Tbsp Organic or Beet Sugar (Agave Nectar will work too!)
1 cup Oatmeal (Quick Cook or Traditional)
5 cups Bread Flour

Mix together just until all ingredients are incorporated.
Let stand for 2-3 hours until dough doubles in size.

Lightly spray bread pans. (Not necessary if using non-stick cookware)

On a well-floured surface form loaves. Just prior to placing in pans, lightly roll dough over some scattered oatmeal to give it that finished appearance.

Let stand for about 20-25 minutes. Dough will rise to about the top of the pan.

Cook at 350 degrees for 35 minutes (small loaf) or 42 minutes (large loaf)

Let cool completely before slicing.


  1. Regarding the dry you mean 1 1/2 tablespoons? I'm thinking you do mean that! Marcia

    1. I do indeed. ;-)
      Coming soon - my new recipe for sourdough... no yeast needed.

  2. I make this bread often but use 2 cups organic whole wheat flour and 3 cups organic white unbleached flour and 1.5 cups of turns out beautifully every time...even when I use mashed bananas or unsweetened apple sauce as the oil...thanks so much, I love your blog.

    1. Great idea! I'm going to try the fruit, I'll bet that adds a nice flavor - thanks for the tip. :)

    2. Sheila, it does but you can't really taste anything, except the bread has a very slightly sweet it!

  3. Could you expound on the 'bread box' idea? I clicked on the link and saw a plastic storage box. Do you use that to both make AND store the dough?

    1. Yes, I like to keep some dough in the fridge to use for pizza, dinner rolls, etc.


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