Oil Free (No REALLY!) Tortillas

Fresh, homemade tortillas - no oil, all vegan!
For months, I've been searching the internet and vegan cookbooks for a decent oil-free tortilla recipe. Beans, rice and tortillas are such a staple in our diet that I didn't want to make any concessions when it came to the rich flavor and chewy mouth-feel of my tried and true tortillas - that was, until I saw the movie Forks Over Knives where they not only discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet, but outline the importance of an oil free one. We're talking life and death here folks. Reversing the effects of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer with simple changes in your diet... Like finding a way to create yummy, ummy, gordita-like, chewy tortillas WITHOUT oil!

Oil Free (No REALLY!) Tortillas

2 cups Bread Flour (All purpose or whole wheat can be used, but the texture will be a bit different)
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp Unflavored Soy Milk (Other types of non-dairy milks can be used, but remember: flavor will come through)

Mix dry ingredients together in bowl.
Heat Soy Milk for one minute in microwave
Mix all together in bowl, then move dough to counter.
Knead for 5-10 minutes until silky smooth, adding flour as needed if dough is too slack.

NOTE: Dough will NOT be as firm with this recipe - that's OK.

Place dough back in mixing bowl and cover with towel. Let it rest for 40mins to an hour.

Separate the dough into six balls.

Rolling out this dough is a bit different. As there is no oil in the dough, you'll want to sprinkle a bit of flour to keep the tortillas from sticking to the rolling pin and counter top - not much, just a bit.

Roll each ball into a tortilla (thickness is up to you - I like them thick and fluffy most of the time, unless I'm making burritos), then place in preheated pan or comal and cook for 45 seconds to 1 minute on each side. Place warm tortillas on a plate with a napkin or towel over them to keep warm.

Enjoy! :-)


  1. I cant wait to try these!! I've been looking all over for an oil free tortilla recipe!! FOK changed my eating habits for life too.. Thanks so much for the recipe!

    1. Let us know how it turns out Kara. :-) These are a staple around here.

    2. I just made these now and they taste great!

    3. I was super broke. Made these. I think I'll use this recipe from now on.

    4. Isn't it amazing how easy it is to trim your grocery budget as a vegan? Just the opposite of the commonly accepted belief that eating healthy is MORE expensive. ;-)

  2. My family went FOK vegan just over a year ago, but oil has been creeping back in, mostly in the way of store bought baked goods... these look great though, thanks!

    1. I know what you mean - it's taken me years to finally get it through my head that the 10 or 15 minutes spent making it from scratch is SO worth it! The only time my weight creeps up any more is when I allow myself to buy "pre-made" anything from the store. ;-)

  3. I used to be a non-meat eater but ate all other processed foods with animal protein in them...no more! I am heading more for the vegan side of things...due to my having cancer I am not overly happy consuming cancer giving meat and dairy products...but I am having trouble staying full..so bread is one thing I bake without eggs or oil or milk to help keep me satisfied...any other ideas for someone starting all over again?

    1. Hi Shannon and Welcome! Sounds like you're doing all the right things to beat cancer - everything I've read says that a vegan diet and lots of exercise can do amazing things. I am so in awe of you for meeting it head on!

      When I was training for the Harrisburg, PA marathon (no, I didn't get there - I hurt myself) - I had a horrible time battling that hungry feeling that seemed to follow me all day. Some of the dishes that worked best for me mimicked food from my "bad" eating days, but with a healthy vegan twist - of course!

      Some no-oil ideas:

      Pizza: Use that No-knead Italian Bread dough, put it in a deep-dish cake pan or iron skillet and cover it with marinara sauce, mushrooms, olives, broccoli, lentils and kidney beans. (I know, it sounds crazy, but it really DOES taste good, fills you up and packs quite a protein punch!)

      Bean & Rice Burritos: Make the above tortillas super-sized and fill them with a mix of brown rice, pintos, black beans, red beans and salsa or hot sauce. Whip up some additional beans in the food processor with lentils for a side of "refried" beans - and an extra punch of protein.

      "Not-Meat" Balls: Listed to the right, under "Main Course" These things are such a big hit with the family - I swear they like them better than my old meatballs! Serve them with some spaghetti or rigatoni and you've got a stick-to-your-ribs Italian feast! The recipe makes a couple dozen and I keep them in the freezer for quick dinners - just pop them in the oven at 350 while you cook the pasta, make the salad or heat the sauce and they're warm and ready to eat.

      I hope that helps fight the hunger. Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing with it, OK?


    2. Potatoes, Brown Rice Oatmeal. All very filling . There are many cook books to choose from. A surprising # are WFPB AND oil free. It's snowballing and catching on!

    3. I do a lot with Quinoa. I use it in a lot of dishes where you would add hamburger if you ate meat, i.e.; Shepards Pie, spaghetti sauce, tacos, chili. I love quinoa and it makes the meals more filling.

  4. These are SOOO awesome. So simple to make. I've never made bread before. I'm discovering foods for the first time as well as cooking after becoming a raw vegan. I've been eating mainly fruits and now I'm finding ways to make the most delicious veggie wraps with home-made hummus. I LOVE my food!!!

    1. Sean, I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you for stopping in. I hope you find other recipes you like as well. :) Sheila

  5. Can you freeze these and do they keep for a few days? It is just my husband and I and we both work full time so I like to make big batches of things and freeze them.

    1. Hi Jordan, Unfortunately, since they are oil-free, they're not really good "keepers". But, believe me, you'll be able to whip out a half-recipe in no time for a simple dinner with your hubby. I'm pretty sure I can do this blindfolded by now! ;-) Sheila

  6. Thanks for sharing this recipe! We're not vegan, but I didnt have any oil so googled 'oil-free tortillas' and this popped up! They came out great - the whole family loved them.

    1. Also wanted to mention that the second time I made them I doubled the recipe and they still came out the same :)

  7. I've been making these for a year now and love them. Thanks for the recipe! I do freeze mine and pop them in the toaster oven after they've thawed, and they still taste great. I use them with Indian cooking as well, but I add some Indian spices to the flour as I'm mixing everything together.

  8. Hi there. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! Unfortunately, I ran into a bit of trouble when I tried to make these but was hoping you might be able to help me get it right. What heat setting do you use to cook these so that they're all golden, thick, and fluffy like in your picture? Mine started to burn on the outside before the insides were cooked, so I ended up with bitter black spots on the outer but raw insides :( I'd really love to be able to successfully make these, so any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Hi! Sorry for the slow response. Try pre-heating your pan on medium heat (5 on my electric stove) for about 3 minutes, then lay the tortilla down gently. It's OK to peek underneath to make sure they don't get too brown. Good luck with the next batch!

  9. I made these with whole wheat flour and water. They were excellent. I added some taco seasoning and garlic to mine. Next time I'm making a triple batch.


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